Capturing universal truths on camera and in design.

Client: Glyph
Industry: Photography, Advertising
Assignment: Rename & Rebrand
Goal: Unite three musketeers under a single banner.

The joint forces of three advertising photographers produce Glyph. Each coming from different field of expertise, they bundle up to scale up. The common thread in their work is the search for something so undeniably real, some essential truth about humanity that it instantly resonates with the audience. Revolte was lucky enough to build a brand on that.

The assignment

As the owners were operating as freelancers prior this rebrand, there was not a name to rally behind. So Revolte was tasked to find a suitable name. The goals for the visual rebrand was to keep it clean, and allow their own work to take centre stage. The brand should provide a framework for the photography.

The name

A glyph is a symbol. A visual means to tell a story. Some of the oldest surviving stories in the world are carved in to rocks and hillsides in petroglyphs and geoglyphs. There is an innate human drive within us to leave behind a mark. To connect with people who will see this when you are not around anymore. And the scenes we see carved in those rocks still resonate with us, thousands of years later. 

Glyph speak to the timeless quality of the brand. It speaks to your drive to capture something universal and true. Something you want to leave behind. Your statement. To connect with people you may never meet.

It’s a gorgeous word. Truly stunning. Quite unique. People will have seen it, probably in ‘hieroglyph’ of the ancient Egyptians. Though some people will need a bit more explaining. But even the word itself feels magical, even without knowing what it means. It also feels premium.

The spelling is a double edged sword. It’s a bit hard, but therefore very unique. And once you’ve seen it - on a site, business card, social post - you’ll know how to spell it.

You have only to glance upon it to see it to be mesmerized. Just like their work!

The visual identity

The whole brand is based on a 45 degree corner. Think of it as little pieces of tape holding up a photograph on a wall. It is the perfect way to frame the portfolio, with minimal intrusion, whilst still conveying you’re looking at Glyph work. The color palette is purposely sparse. Again, we let the portfolio do the talking.

he 45 degree corner is utilized to form a wordmark. Simple, clean, clear. Just like their work. There is no one icon that represents Glyph as a whole, as the company itself contains a multitude of styles. Instead we’ve designed a set of icons, or glyphs, that they can use in their communication. The glyphs display features of their commercial services, signalling to clients that although they are artists at heart, they speak the language of commerce.


Visual storytelling for brands
The logline turned into a slogan when we wanted to move the focus away form just photography to visual storytelling. Glyph is also broadening their services to video and exploring AR/VR. By stating that they provide this ‘for brands’ they’re signalling they understand the needs of the people hiring them. That’s either the ad agency that works for a multitude of brands, or the marketing director of a company itself. Either will understand Glyph is here to serve them the goods.

The manifesto

Visual storytelling for brands.

Glyph is your creative partner for visual storytelling. We design and create the photo/video style for your brand or campaign. Glyph is a collective of three photographers, each with a rich experience in diverse fields such as fashion, retail, transport and non-profits.

With each shoot, we capture some universal truth. Something so real you feel in your bones. Some core human emotion your audience responds to. We love to figure out what that is for your project. We explore new ideas, and come up with inspiring new perspectives.

Let's elevate your brand.
Let us tell your story.


Questions about this project?
Ask Erik

Erik Ankoné
Founder / brand strategist
Revolte Studio




KNHB Rebrand