Reaching parents below the poverty line. It’s possible.

Client: Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur
Industry: Sports, Culture, Charity
Assignment: Campaign Concept and Creation
Goal: Reaching parents with financial struggles to empower their children.

The Youth Foundation Sports & Culture (Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur) has an amazing mission: paying the membership fees or tuition money for kids that love to join a club, when the parents can’t afford it. With our nationwide campaign, we’re empowering parents to start the application. So that their children can enjoy all the benefits that come with sports or culture participation.

The assignment

The Youth Foundation (JF) wanted a new campaign concept for their direct-to-parents outreach. The previous slogan was considered crude: ‘No money? We’ll pay.’

Direct? Yes.
Subtle? No.
Inviting? Also no.

There is a lot of shame involved in asking for financial help. People are proud, want to be self-sufficient and hate to be seen as ‘holding up their hand’. So our assignment was to come up with a campaign concept with a different touch.

The research

We delved into the target audience. Read a lot of research into the mindset and problems of people below or around the poverty line, spoke to experts, and most importantly: interviewed people who are actually in that situation and are using JF. The single biggest motivator to set aside the pride and shame and start the application proces was all the developmental benefits the children reap from participating in sports and culture. Learning about social norms, improving their motor skills, developing their creativity and boosting their self-confidence. But there was also the issue that a lot of parents simply don’t think that they can provide this for their children. It’s simply out of reach. Not for them.

The slogan

That’s where our slogan meets them and counters: "‘Simply possible.“ (Gewoon mogelijk.)
Prefaced with one of the advantages of sports or cultural activities, it creates a message you want to be part of. A message you want to be seen interacting with. A positive message.
Does your kid want to make new friends? - Simply possible.
Does your kid want to learn new dance moves? - Simply possible.
Does your kid want to boost their confidence? - Simply possible.

Visual identity
The Youth Foundation has a pretty strong visual identity. Mostly based on (animated) type. For this campaign we simplified the color palet and improved the text hierarchy, so that a busy and distracted parent can easily take in the information.

Photography / Videography

Imagery plays a huge role in this creative concept. Most importantly we are showing emotion: growth, confidence, friendship, pride. The activity is secondary. We’re not selling the sport or cultural activity. We’re selling what that brings your child. (And with selling, I mean: giving away)

The talent and the setting needed to be authentic. Actual people who are actually using the Foundation, in actual places. We need to show the parents that this is a location they can actually step into. It lowers the threshold. It’s real. It’s authentic.

Was this easy? No. Was it worth it? Absolutely.

The campaign has just lauched and was seen OOH in every major participating city. Now it rolls out in an online marketing campaign, and via the partners of the Youth Foundation. Thousands of posters and flyers have made their way to all the local offices and are being distributed at the time of writing. As the results of the campaign roll in, we’ll be sure to post them here.

Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur

Our team
Photography: Jeroen Paling
Assistant Photography: Kevin Rijnders
Video Production & Shoot: TOKO the Agency

Questions about this project?
Ask Erik

Erik Ankoné
Founder / brand strategist
Revolte Studio

